google-site-verification=bWsZs7W0_gSPuMoDXujZISVmSBQHlpw3IxoqFPAwWOg 테슬라 52주 최고가 경신 성장 우려 해소_Roku 가장 저평가된 회사 google-site-verification=bWsZs7W0_gSPuMoDXujZISVmSBQHlpw3IxoqFPAwWOg

테슬라 52주 최고가 경신 성장 우려 해소_Roku 가장 저평가된 회사



Marvell_AI 수요 증가로 4분기 주가 20% 이상 상승



Vistra_11월 주가가 28% 상승한 이유



Why Vistra Stock Jumped 28% in November | The Motley Fool


테슬라_ 52주 최고가 경신 성장 우려 해소



Tesla Stock Hits a New 52-Week High, Shakes Off Growth Concerns

Goldman Sachs analyst Mark Delaney doesn’t think EV maker's sales will grow in 2024. The bigger deal for investors, however, is 2025.



Astera Labs (ALAB) _엄청난 수익 잠재력을 가진 덜 알려진 AI 주식



Nvidia's Growth Is Slowing. Here Are 2 Lesser-Known AI Stocks With Monster Return Potential.

Nvidia continues to be the runaway leader in chips used for artificial intelligence (AI). The company's leading position in the data center market has driven triple-digit revenue growth over the last few years. Nvidia is now one of the most valuable compa


비트코인은 세계 '수백조' 자본의 디지털 변환을 나타냅니다_MSTY



Bitcoin represents the digital transformation of 'hundreds of trillions' of capital in the world: Michael Saylor

MicroStrategy Executive Chairman Michael Saylor explains his approach to buying Bitcoin and predicts the asset's huge future price on 'Making Money.'


Palantir Technologies_정부 허가 업그레이드 후 주가상승



Palantir Technologies Stock Rises after U.S. Government Upgrades Its Authorization -

Palantir Technologies stock is rising higher today as investors celebrate the company being granted FedRAMP High Authorization by the U.S. government.


Roku_가장 과소평가된 자산 2025년에 인수될 가능성이 높은 회사



Okta ( OKTA )_사이버 보안 회사 합의 추정치 뛰어넘는 3분기 실적 매출 급등


