google-site-verification=bWsZs7W0_gSPuMoDXujZISVmSBQHlpw3IxoqFPAwWOg 비트코인_ 트럼프 취임식 무렵에 바닥 신호 가까워 google-site-verification=bWsZs7W0_gSPuMoDXujZISVmSBQHlpw3IxoqFPAwWOg

비트코인_ 트럼프 취임식 무렵에 바닥 신호 가까워


엔비디아_앞으로 5년은 정말 좋을 것



Nvidia may be entering a 'limitless' era: Investor

Nvidia is entering its next phase of growth, and it could be as impressive as its most recent phase, one investor argued.


테슬라_ 상하이 에너지 저장 기가팩토리 시험 생산 시작



Tesla's Shanghai energy storage gigafactory begins trial production

Tesla's energy storage gigafactory in Shanghai has started trial production, with mass production expected next year, according to Tesla China on Tuesday.


2025년 비트코인 ​​예측 대부분 200000달러로 두 배 예상



The boldest bitcoin predictions for 2025 are in — and most see prices doubling to $200,000

Several industry watchers who spoke to CNBC forecast bitcoin will hit $200,000 in 2025.


베테랑 트레이더 MicroStrategy의 비트코인 ​​매수 경고



엔비디아_2018년처럼 60% 가격 하락과 거의 동일



비트코인_ 트럼프 취임식 무렵에 바닥 신호 가까워



U.S. Debt Ceiling Looms in Signal for Bottom in Bitcoin (BTC) Price Cycle

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said she expects the debt ceiling to be reached around the inauguration date for President-elect Donald Trump.


