알파벳_구글의 새로운 AI 모델 제미니 2.0으로 최고치 경신https://finance.yahoo.com/video/alphabet-stock-hits-record-high-214706792.html 오늘의 비트코인_CPI 데이터가 금리 인하 베팅을 계속하면서 10만 달러를 돌파 Bitcoin price today: rises past $100k as CPI data keeps rate cut bets in play By Investing.comBitcoin price today: rises past $100k as CPI data keeps rate cut bets in playwww.investing.com 엔비디아_2025년 1분기 160~170달러까지 오를 수 있다 Nvidia’s Stock..
C3.ai(AI)_모든 지역에서 AI 기업 사업을 성장시키고 있다https://finance.yahoo.com/video/c3-ai-growing-ai-enterprise-161600384.html 이제 Amazon에서 현대차를 살 수 있다 Forget the dealership: You can now buy a Hyundai on AmazonImagine the convenience of Amazon brought to the tedious and often frustrating dealership experience. After nearly a year of waiting, Amazon users can finally buy a Hyundai vehicle through the online reta..
Super Micro Computer (SMCI )_나스닥 확장에서 승리 주가 급등https://www.investors.com/news/technology/super-micro-wins-nasdaq-extension-smci-stock/?src=A00220 SoundHound AI (SOUN) _이 회사는 2025년에 인수될 것 https://finance.yahoo.com/news/prediction-artificial-intelligence-ai-company-230000657.html Super Micro Computer(SMCI)_급등할 상위 10대 AI 주식 중 하나 Super Micro Computer, Inc (SMCI): Among Top 10 AI Stocks That Will Sky..
트럼프 빅테크 기업 규제 완화하지 않겠다는 신호 Trump just gave a new signal he isn't going to let up on Big TechPresident-elect Donald Trump is making it clear he doesn't intend to ease up on the nation's technology giants once he is back in the Oval Office.finance.yahoo.com 테슬라_ AI와 로봇공학 발전 뱅크 오브 아메리카 가격 상승 Tesla, Inc. (TSLA) Gains Price Target Boost from Bank of America Amid AI and Robotics AdvancesWe recently..
Marvell_AI 수요 증가로 4분기 주가 20% 이상 상승https://finance.yahoo.com/video/marvell-stock-rallying-over-20-160858484.html Vistra_11월 주가가 28% 상승한 이유 Why Vistra Stock Jumped 28% in November | The Motley Fool www.fool.com 테슬라_ 52주 최고가 경신 성장 우려 해소 Tesla Stock Hits a New 52-Week High, Shakes Off Growth ConcernsGoldman Sachs analyst Mark Delaney doesn’t think EV maker's sales will grow in 2024. The bigger de..
슈퍼마이크로(SMCI)_독립적인 검토에서 부정 행위 증거가 발견되지 않았다고 밝힘 Super Micro says independent review finds no evidence of misconduct as company searches for new CFOSuper Micro Computer (SMCI) stock soared after the server maker announced that an independent review of its business found no evidence of fraud or misconduct.finance.yahoo.com 슈퍼마이크로 주가_ 주요 판결 이후 급등 Super Micro's stock price surges after key rulingA s..