가장 많은 도지코인을 소유한 10개 회사https://www.webopedia.com/crypto/learn/companies-that-own-the-most-dogecoin/ Dogecoin을 결제 수단으로 허용하는 뉴욕 증권 거래소(NYSE) 상장 기업 10위 Top 10 New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) Listed Companies That Accept Dogecoin As PaymentDogecoin (DOGE), the meme coin, which started as a joke, has been widely adopted as a payment method across popular brands following its popularity in the cryptocu..
Super Micro Computer_ Nasdaq 불이행 통지에 직면하다 Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) Faces Nasdaq Non-Compliance NoticeSuper Micro Computer ($SMCI) confirmed on Wednesday that it received a letter from Nasdaq stating that the information technology company is not in...www.msn.com 비트코인_숏 포지션 우려로 BTC 가격 10만 달러로 하락 Super Micro Computer (NASDAQ:SMCI) Faces Nasdaq Non-Compliance NoticeSuper Micro Computer ..
자동차업체 트럼프에 EV세액공제 유지 자율주행차확대촉구 Automakers urge Trump to preserve EV tax credits, boost self-driving cars By ReutersAutomakers urge Trump to preserve EV tax credits, boost self-driving carswww.investing.com Amazon Air는 무엇인가? Jeff Bezos의 화물 항공사 설명https://www.thestreet.com/travel/what-is-amazon-air 스탠리 드루켄밀러 임상유전자검사회사 나테라 ( NTRA ) 에 지분을 80% 늘려https://www.thestreet.com/investing/stocks/stanley-d..
엔비디아_AI 칩 수요 급증하지만 판매 성장 둔화 투자자 우려 Nvidia's AI chip demand still booming but slowing sales growth worries investors By ReutersNvidia's AI chip demand still booming but slowing sales growth worries investorswww.investing.com 엔비디아_ 3분기 실적 양호하나 가이던스 높은 기대치 못 미쳐 Nvidia Q3 results beat, but guidance underwhelms lofty expectations By Investing.comNvidia Q3 results beat, but guidance underwhelms loft..
Qualcomm_성장 가속화 2029년 PC칩 판매 40억 달러 예상 Qualcomm says it expects $4 billion in PC chip sales by 2029, as company gets traction beyond smartphonesQualcomm said on Tuesday that it expects its push into new markets to generate an additional $22 billion per year by 2029.www.cnbc.com Qualcomm_ 트럼프 행정부 칩 판매 성장 예측하며 '긍정적' Qualcomm 'positive' on Trump administration as it forecasts chip sales growth By..
슈퍼마이크로_ 나스닥 상장폐지 피하기 위한 계획 제출 Super Micro stock surges as company files plan to avoid Nasdaq delistingSuper Micro Computer met a deadline Monday to avoid delisting from the Nasdaq after delaying prior financial statements.finance.yahoo.com 트럼프 미디어(DJT)_암호화폐 플랫폼 Bakkt 인수 급등https://finance.yahoo.com/video/trump-media-talks-acquire-crypto-210729786.html 테슬라 다시 급등 팔란티르 급락 Live Market Updates: Nasd..