새로운 Nvidia AI 칩이 서버에서 과열 New Nvidia AI chips overheating in servers, the Information reportsThe Blackwell graphics processing units overheat when connected together in server racks designed to hold up to 72 chips, the report said, citing sources familiar with the issue. The chipmaker has asked its suppliers to change the design of the racks severfinance.yahoo.com 테슬라 상승_트럼프 행정부 완전 자율주행 프레임워크 지원..
더 높은 수익을 창출하는 2개 회사 AMD과 TSLA 2 Companies Unlocking Higher Profits: AMD, TSLAThroughout the Q3 cycle, several popular companies, including Advanced Micro Devices and Tesla, saw margin expansion.finance.yahoo.com 슈퍼마이크( SMCI ) _ 금요일 장외 거래에서 18% 이상 급등_한 그룹이 주식 인수 Supermicro Stock Surges on Reports of Plan to Avoid DelistingSuper Micro Computer shares soared in extended trading Friday following r..
AMD_큰 성장 기회 집중하기 위해 직원 4% 해고 AMD lays off 4% of its workforce | TechCrunchAMD has confirmed that it's laying off 4% of its workforce to focus on 'large growth opportunities.'techcrunch.com Zeta_1억 달러 규모의 주식 재매수 프로그램 발표 Zeta Announces $100 Million Stock Repurchase ProgramNEW YORK, November 14, 2024--Zeta Global (NYSE: ZETA), the AI-Powered Marketing Cloud, today announced that its Board of Dire..
슈퍼마이크로_11월 16일 상장폐지 마감까지 해야 할 일 Super Micro Needs a New Auditor By This Weekend. Its Options Are Limited.The company faces a Nov. 16 deadline to file audited financials. First, it needs to find a new auditor. It won’t be easy.www.msn.com SoftBank_Nvidia Blackwell 칩을 탑재한 슈퍼컴퓨터 계획 SoftBank to Get First New Nvidia Chips for Japan Supercomputer(Bloomberg) -- SoftBank Group Corp. will be the first..
트럼프 집권 하에 비트코인이 10만 달러에 도달할 수 있다https://finance.yahoo.com/video/bitcoin-could-hit-100k-under-224557384.html MicroStrategy가 20억 3천만 달러 상당의 비트코인을 매수https://finance.yahoo.com/video/microstrategy-buys-2-03b-worth-203758624.html 모건스탠리 엔비디아 가격 목표 상향 조정 Morgan Stanley lifts Nvidia price target, estimates ahead of earnings By Investing.comMorgan Stanley lifts Nvidia price target, estimates ahead of ea..
트럼프 대통령직에서 이익 얻을 3개의 초강력 성장 주식_마이크로소프트 팔린티어 테슬라 Meet 3 Supercharged Growth Stocks That Could Profit From a Trump Presidency, According to Certain Wall Street Analysts | The MotThe much-ballyhooed "Red Wave" came to pass. There are several high-profile stocks poised to profit.www.fool.com Palantir 주식 대 Microsoft 주식: 월가는 1개만 더 오를 것 Palantir Stock vs. Microsoft Stock: Wall Street Says Only 1 Will..