파월 9월 금리 인하 논의 대상 언급https://finance.yahoo.com/news/fed-holds-rates-steady-powell-says-september-cut-could-be-on-the-table-180848047.html Fed holds rates steady, Powell says September cut 'could be on the table'The Federal Reserve kept interest rates at a 23-year high Wednesday while opening the door to a September cut if inflation continues to show progress.finance.yahoo.com 엔비디아는 13% 급등https://..
Microsoft 주가가 6% 이상 하락https://finance.yahoo.com/news/microsoft-stock-drops-over-6-after-results-fall-short-in-latest-ai-disappointment-201321390.html Microsoft stock drops over 6% after results fall short in latest AI disappointmentMicrosoft shares fell more than 6% after disappointing cloud revenue results.finance.yahoo.com 일본은행 금리 인상 시점 논의https://finance.yahoo.com/news/bank-japan-outline-bond-..
트럼프의 영향으로 미국 상장 암호화폐 주식이 급등https://www.reuters.com/technology/us-listed-crypto-stocks-jump-after-trumps-pro-bitcoin-speech-2024-07-29/ ON Semiconductor 주가 월요일에 급등https://finance.yahoo.com/news/why-semiconductor-stock-surged-monday-221838211.html Why ON Semiconductor Stock Surged MondayStill down 26% over the last year, is ON Semi stock on the verge of a cyclical shift?finance.yahoo.com Ford GM S..
일본은행 디플레이션 승리 거두며 금리 인상 시대로 전환https://www.reuters.com/markets/asia/bojs-victory-lap-deflation-paves-way-rate-hike-cycle-2024-07-28/ 미시간주 연금 기금 660만 달러 규모의 비트코인 ETF 투자https://www.reuters.com/technology/michigan-state-pension-fund-makes-66-million-bitcoin-etf-investment-2024-07-26/ 이번 주 빅테크 수익이 전체 시장에 어떤 영향을 미칠까https://finance.yahoo.com/news/weeks-big-tech-earnings-could-151536600.html How This ..
대형주 폭락 계속_ 금리 인하 희망 흔들려https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/mega-cap-meltdown-continues-good-news-sends-rate-cut-hopes-reeling Mega-Cap Meltdown Continues As 'Good News' Sends Rate-Cut Hopes Reeling | ZeroHedgeKC Fed survey joined yesterday's Regional Fed surveys in the doldrums (as did today's plunge in durable goods orders) but of course, all eyes were sternly focused on Q2 GDP's beat. That 'good..
미국 주식 매도에 공포 지수 3개월 만에 최고치 기록https://www.reuters.com/markets/us/fear-gauge-hits-three-month-high-us-stocks-sell-off-2024-07-24/ IBM 컨설팅 침체로 소프트웨어 및 AI 수요 증가로 상승세https://www.reuters.com/technology/ibm-beats-quarterly-revenue-estimates-software-strength-ai-demand-2024-07-24/ 나스닥은 2022년 이후 최악의 하루를 보내며 3.5% 이상 하락https://finance.yahoo.com/news/stock-market-news-today-stocks-smoked-nasdaq-falls-over-3..