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미국 경기 침체 우려 사라지면서 글로벌 주식 상승https://finance.yahoo.com/news/asian-stocks-rise-us-recession-222800536.html Asian Stocks Head for Best Week in Over a Year: Markets Wrap(Bloomberg) -- Asian stocks rallied as traders flocked back into risk assets amid growing expectations that the US economy will avoid a recession. Treasuries held losses, while the yen is set for its worst week since May.Most Read fro..
인플레이션 데이터 연준의 다음 질문은 얼마나 인하할 것인가?https://finance.yahoo.com/news/inflation-data-confirms-the-feds-next-question-how-much-to-cut-100702923.html Inflation data confirms the Fed's next question: How much to cut?The latest inflation reading gives the Fed freedom to act, but that doesn't mean they know what to do.finance.yahoo.com 신규 데이터 발표 앞두고 금리 인하 기대감으로 선물 가격 상승https://finance.yahoo.com/news/rate-c..
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