경기 침체 우려 지속되는 가운데 연준 더 큰 폭의 금리 인하 고려해야
Energix 구글과 장기 태양광 발전 계약 체결
인텔의 AI 플랫폼이 올림픽 방송 경험을 혁신하는데 도움
For nearly a century, the modern Olympic Games have showcased technological innovations alongside human achievement, and broadcast advances have played a big part in that.
화이자 모더나 코로나 독감 타깃 복합주사 개발 경쟁 치열
Healthy Returns: The race to develop combination shots targeting Covid, flu is heating up
Pfizer faced a setback with its combo Covid-flu shot, which could allow Moderna and others to gain ground. Meanwhile, Epic's UGM meeting is underway.